ADR Hazardous Waste Tankers
These tankers are again vacuum waste tankers, looking very similar to cesspool emptiers to the untrained eye, but with some big differences. Products to be carried are as per the 3.2 Dangerous Goods List under Code Hierarchy L4AH, subject to material compatibility & special provisions.
ADR spec… and good enough to be included in PRESS RELEASE No 2077 for Volvo Trucks Ltd!
Standard non-hazardous differences
The main differences over & above standard non-hazardous waste tankers would include for instance:
Tank barrel manufactured from stainless steel, grade 316
Working pressure 1 bar
Special pressure relief valves & busting disc
Hydraulic opening rear door with hydraulic clamps
Emergency stop of tanker equipment
Earthing straps & reel
Storage for hazchem numbers & warning diamonds
Welding by coded welders
Roll over protection
Special travel & vent valves
Special inlet/outlet valves
3 x hazchem frame holders
Eye wash & first aid kit
Design/build approved by accredited body
Hydraulic test to 4 bar
Bolted baffles
Pointer type contents gauge
Special vacuum/pressure gauge
2 x Fire extinguishers, chassis & cab
Torch & high viz jacket
Quality inspection by approved authority