Old Durham Town
…well Durham County Council actually, this the latest and 3rd Buckaloo mobile toilet servicing tanker supplied to the County since 2008
An unaltered Buckaloo specification being a 2,500 litre demountable unit with split compartments 2,000 litres for sludge and 500 litres for clean water, electric start of Honda engine driving the MEC exhauster pump, Honda WX10 water wash pumping with retracta hose reel and nozzle, 50’ x 2” bore Supervin suction hose with probe, 4” bore outlet valve, hand wash facility and all finish painted Golden Yellow.
Durham tend not to remove the tanker very ofter, so the unit is bolted to the flatbed body of the Iveco 70C17 as a semi permanent fixture.
The 2008 version …. and an unaltered specification since, so it would appear we got it right first time around!